Fluttershy (MLP:FiM)

I seem to have finally begun to figure out how to draw correctly on a tablet. Here's the algorithm:
- If there is a freehand drawing on paper, scan / take a picture and use it as a reference.
- Take the time to make smooth, even cartoonish paths over your sketch (if your hands are shaking, turn on line anti-aliasing in Photoshop). Even if they won't be seen later.
- Paint over the desired color areas behind the path, use a vector layer. The most important thing at the beginning is that the lines should be as clear and smooth as possible so as not to distract you. Color in the outline itself too, make it a little darker or lighter than the base - you get an effect like in Disney cartoons. You can stop there - or go further.
- Think about the lighting in your drawing and start painting colored shadows and highlights on top of each color layer. Do not merge layers into one - let there be many of them, but then you can correct any mistake. Don't forget to name the layers eg "Outline" or "Base" to avoid confusion.
- Add another layer of additional color lighting with rougher and smoother strokes to add volume to the picture.
- Do not forget about light scattering of skin, fur / hair or feathers (reddish glow in the light).
- Don't let fear of error or doubt stop you. You are great, you will succeed. Finish if you believe in the result. And paint, paint, paint. Move at your own pace, progress will still be, if you do not stop.
You will succeed, no matter what you do.
Drawn in Photoshop on a Wacom One tablet.

On the left is an approximate drawing time-lapse.
I am glad that after long and unsuccessful attempts I managed to find this algorithm by trial and error. Now I feel like I can draw almost anything - and it will only get better.