3D Graphics (9)

Nick Koriagin

Zeus (3D sculpt)

More or less fast sculpting of a human head in Sculptris. It seems that this is the limit of this free program's capabilities. I started by sculpting a realistic skull model based on other references. This is how it looks in rotation. Then he left the skull, placed the base sphere in it and began to sculpt a face out of it, taking into account the proportions. I added basic details, adjusted the shapes, decided…

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Nick Koriagin

Sleeping Fluttershy (3D graphics)

Fluttershy is one of the main characters in My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, which recently ended in season 9, which began in 2010 as an advertisement for Hasbro toys of the same name, but quickly and unexpectedly became international a phenomenon far beyond the target audience. In the center of the plot is a group of six dissimilar characters led by the unicorn Twilight Sparkle, who learn from their mistakes of friendship and mutual…

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Nick Koriagin

Edward Preyfield, Scientist (Character Portrait in 3D)

Time to break a couple of laws of physics, my friends. Edward G. Preyfield, professor of physics at Oxford (1916 -…) A portrait of the main character of my project, an eccentric scientist, inventor and adventurer from 1960s England. The goal of the project was to continue practicing 3D character modeling and generally improve my skill level a little. It was done mainly in a bundle of 3ds Max + Corona, using Sculptris and Photoshop.

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Nick Koriagin

Lunar Surface (Work-In-Progress)

Little by little, in my spare time, I polish the test scene for the cartoon - while it is, without optimization for fast rendering. Moon Dust will take place on the Moon in the 1980s, and therefore it is imperative that the environment is convincing. So far it turns out like this: In a panoramic view, it looks like this (hold and drag to move camera; the panorama can be expanded to full screen, like…

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Nick Koriagin

Lera (3D, WIP)

A portrait of my wonderful bride. Spent a lot of time before it turned out to be something more or less good. The result is not yet perfect and there is still a lot to work on, but at least it's not a shame to show it. 3ds Max, Sculptris + Mudbox, Vray, Photoshop. The render and model are not final, there is still a skeleton for the pose and facial expressions.

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Nick Koriagin

"My Little Pony" (3D graphics)

The main characters of the animated series, which gained unexpected popularity in the early 2010s, including among adults. To reproduce the scene at the end of the cutscene and at the same time add a little "plushness", I had to create six characters with a skeleton, basic facial expressions, wool and "hair", and for a full rendering of this scene (4667 x 3500 pixels) on a not very powerful computer took 92 hours. 3ds Max…

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Nick Koriagin

Family (Character Modeling)

Developments of an unrealized project with character animation. He didn't get to the end, but I had the opportunity to test my strengths in a fairly simple modeling, skeletal and facial animation, at the same time remembering the basics of tissue simulation. It was very interesting. Characters faces. Each such project brings me closer to my dream - to make a full-length, serious animated film, entirely. 3ds Max + Vray + Photoshop + After Effects

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