TV & Streaming Series Reviews (19)

Nick Koriagin

Space Force Review (2020-..., Netflix)

at which everyone laughs and no one understands why the President of the United States , in which the previous head of the White House is guessed, generally organized a new branch of the army. But since we have set a goal to return to the moon, then we must do it, yes, sir, an order is an order, that's right, sir! Mark's personal life is covered with a copper basin and he has to…

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Nick Koriagin

Tribes Of Europe Review (2021, Netflix)

According to the plot, in the near future, all technologies suddenly failed, states collapsed and hundreds of tribes were formed on the wreckage of Germany and neighboring countries, living in their own way. Once a strange plane crashes above the ground of one of them and the wounded pilot asks the boy who saved him to take care of a mysterious cube more precious than life, which must be delivered to a special place in…

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Nick Koriagin

Bridgerton Review (2020, Netflix)

This is an interesting project that works on several levels: on the one hand, the plot itself is quite classic: 19th century England, a secular society with balls and scandals, beautiful outfits, rich interiors and so on, but all this is presented with one assumption: what, if the king fell in love with a woman of a different skin color and racial equality happened not by the end of the 20th century, but earlier? This…

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Nick Koriagin

Sharp Objects Review (2018)

The main character, played by Amy Adams, on the instructions of the editor returns to the provincial American town where she grew up to write a report on the mysterious murders of little girls, which the local police cannot (or do not want) to investigate. Camilla returns to her father's house to her mother - and immediately regrets it: Adora immediately makes it clear that she is not happy about the arrival of the "lost…

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Nick Koriagin

Queen's Gambit Review (2020)

The outstanding mini-series about gifted young girl with a difficult fate, who learned to play chess from an old man in an orphanage and is doing everything to become the champion of the United States and defeat the strongest grandmaster in the world in the USSR. It would seem that chess is not the most spectacular sport, but the way it is presented here is breathtaking. And the focus is not at all on chess!…

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Nick Koriagin

Missed "The Office" - You're Fired! (2005-2013)

It would seem like a simple sitcom from a series of twenty minutes, where people are engaged in meaningless work and endure the stupid antics of their boss, who constantly makes fun of - and himself gets into trouble - but how it was invented, written, played! Although the tyrant director who mocks his subordinates is very sad (and the first season of the show, which adapts the British miniseries of the same name in…

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Nick Koriagin

Dark Review (2017 - 2020, Netflix)

Netflix's German science fiction series 'Dark' is a brain blast. we watch them and their decisions at different ages - and everything becomes much more complicated when you realize that this is a story about time travel, time loops and inevitability fate, when everything you do to stop evil only brings it closer. Do we have freedom of choice or is it the same illusion as the directionality of time (which, according to Einstein, exists…

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Nick Koriagin

Harley Quinn and Ivy (Fanart)

This spring and summer ended the second season of the animated series for the adult audience "Harley Quinn" - a story based on DC comics of an eccentric criminal who decides to part with the "king of the underworld", the clown gangster Joker - and begins her journey to self-affirmation in the company best friend and flamboyant fellows of lesser rank (including the polite talking shark and the artistic lump of clay). Harley asserts herself…

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Nick Koriagin

Adventure Time (Fanart)

If you haven't seen this very crazy and surreal animated series yet, you have missed quite a lot. It begins abruptly and without introductions, the strange primitivist imagination and absurdity of situations can be confusing, but if you give this show a chance, then over time it will become clear that under the hood of a funny children's ten-minute show is a sad story of growing up in a post-apocalyptic world after "Mushroom war ",…

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Nick Koriagin

Villanelle and Eve ("Killing Eve")

"Killing Eve" is a British comedy-drama series about the confrontation between a clumsy MI6 agent and a half-insane killer, whose relationship is very interesting to watch. Now the third season of this story is underway (you can see it on Kinopoisk) and it seemed interesting to me to try to draw its heroes. Of course, it doesn't smell like a portrait resemblance, but one day it will definitely start to work out. When Villanelle drew…

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