Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect (Art)

One and only Asari of your heart ❤
Humble, smart and beautiful Liara T'Soni from worldwide famous sci-fi role playing game series "Mass Effect".
I love Liara, honestly. And who's not? And "Mass Effect" has affected on me quite much, it was a huge emogional adventure with a great story of rise and fall, loss and hope. "Mass Effect" is a part of us, I think.

Made in Photoshop with Wacom One tablet.
Will it be the last drawing of Liara here? Definitely not. 😉
Here's some little breakdown of this artwork:
As usual, it was something like this: basic sketch ➡ digital sketch ➡ gray fills ➡ color layers ➡ shades ➡ reflex ➡ additional details ➡ some more details, glance, background & effects. I'm not sure if this pipeline is perfect (it's not giving me this much of a freedom and artistic look as I want, and I feel like I shoult learn to draw more freely with my tablet) so it's definitely something to keep working on. I'm afraid to draw since I know I'm not very good at it (these screwed up proportions, for example), but I wanna do it, it makes me feel happy and gives some feel of purpose if you know what I mean. What makes you happy? 🙂 Share in comments!
I'm going to start a little series of artworks like this, with "Mass Effect" ladies (or gentlemen too). What are your suggestions for the next piece? I'm thinking of Tali Zora vas Nima, but maybe you have a better candidate.