Magic of the Night (Fanart MLP: FiM)

Big Art:

Click to quickly jump to individual pictures:
1/6 - Fluttershy

2/6 - Twilight Sparkle

Another art with reworked images from the animated series, now dedicated to the main character, the unicorn Sparkle. She is naturally strong in magic and prone to reflection, so I painted her in a pensive, meditative pose and with two pairs of extra wings enveloped in an unburned fire, as a reference to the religious imagery and aesthetics of the popular TV series Supernatural.
In order not to copy the whole image, I allowed myself to change the heroine's hairstyle, make different proportions and paid special attention to drawing fur and feathers. I am still learning to draw with a tablet and each drawing helps me feel more confident with the pen in my hand.
This is what the rough breakdown of the illustration looks like:
3/6 - Applejack

Since two of the six main characters have already been drawn, it would be a crime not to end the series. Next up is Applejack, a farmer with a Texas accent. The hat and "freckles" are part of the recognizable look, so they couldn't be denied, so for this drawing I fluffed up her mane and tail and added some energy. In reality, magic would be a very destructive unrecognizable force, so there are many disintegrating particles, trembling evening air and a rainbow border in the picture. And also the moonlight flooding everything and the atmosphere of a dream.
Head Body
Breakdown work (first sketch, then vector shapes, Ambient Occlusion, color fill and long adjustments to lighting and details):
4/6 - Rarity

The fourth character is Rarity, a sympathetic unicorn with a craving for fine and artistic taste. Here I decided not to change her image too much and limited myself to a wavy hairstyle in the spirit of the film stars of the 50s - especially since the heroine herself often changed images in the series. To distinguish the drawing from a number of others, I showed it interesting to work on visual effects: the magic that penetrates the figure in the drawing crumbling from bottom to top, breaks reality into thousands of small fragments.
Breakdown iof the artwork:
5/6 Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash is a self-confident pegasus capable of flying faster than the speed of sound. To emphasize the speed and character of the character, I kept the "light trail" effect of the mane and tail and added an electric glow to the wings, plus a lot of crumbling debris for dynamics. The most difficult thing was to achieve the correct color of the coat - in all the paintings, the purple hue predominates, but the Rainbow, above all, stands out with its unusual blue color. The same applies to the colored mane - it was necessary to achieve a compromise between the multicolor and the overall shade with backlighting.
Breakdown of the artwork:
6/6 Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie is an explosive flow of energy, a hyper-extrovert and the soul of a company with a not always clear logic of actions. It was impossible to portray her without fireworks and sparks. The grave complexity was the same as with Rainbow: to achieve the correct tone of the coat so that it does not get out of the general color scheme of the series.
Breakdown of the artwork: