Marvel's Spider-Man: Far From Home Review (2019)

Spider-Man: Far From Home is a cool and fun one-shot film that concludes the story of The Avengers and brings the evolution of Peter Parker in the world of Marvel to its logical conclusion. My wife and I do not regret that we went, it seems, it will be even more interesting further.
I especially liked the villain and his concept …
… a kind of enraged special effects actor, using holograms, trying to fool the whole world and present himself as a superhero, because "nowadays people also believe in such nonsense." He's even wearing a real motion capture suit, with markings! Awesome how, ahem, almost a movie buff and a person interested in special effects, it seemed to me witty. And yet - the concept of drones and artificial intelligence that controls weapons is even more relevant in 2019 than during the release of the movie "Captain America: The Other War" (there was a similar topic with weapons of mass destruction, which former Nazi members of "Hydra" dreamed of owning who made their way to the top of the government). The scriptwriters of the film could have done more clumsy, making the villain of a character like Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook and an apologist for artificial intelligence, against whom Elon Musk warns, but they acted more subtly and left this topic only a slight hint, for which thanks to them. Well, for the topic of manipulating public consciousness with the help of a picture in the news - this is not yet a statement on the topic "superheroes killed more people, protecting them than the monsters they fought with", but this is close to that.

In general, a good, light and funny film about a good guy who is already tired of saving the world and his friends, but strange circumstances forced him to gather strength and find his real self; with an interesting antagonist in its idea and implementation, traditionally good visual range, the film is simple and frankly summer, but with a soul.