Raya And The Last Dragon Review (2021)

An excellent, kind and rather inventive fantasy cartoon in an oriental style with a strong conflict, message and morality that is very necessary now.
And there is also a very charming unicorn dragon, who is sorely lacking screen time, she is so good. 😄
Go to the movies with your children - you will like it, the children will too (it is beautiful and not scary, similar to "Kung Fu Panda", only with people, a little deeper and explores the themes of loss, revenge, acceptance, forgiveness and unity as opposed to fragmentation and anger).
On my own I will add that it is a little pity that "Raya and the Last Dragon" is still a fairly traditional Disney film with funny secondary characters that unfold in funny or action scenes, and there could be more psychologism with "adulthood", but even so, probably it will be stronger than "Frozen".