
Saint Holy Alexander of St. Petersburg (Nevzorov)

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Go Glebych, burn'em!

A comic portrait of the host of the "Nevzorovskie Sredy" program on the Moscow radio "Echo Moskvy", formerly a repulsed journalist, and now a cynical and imposing freethinker with the manners of a cinematic villain, the best "friend" of the Russian Orthodox Church and Putin's pary "United Russia" , Alexander Nevzorov, one of the few canonized saints during his lifetime Church of the Flying Macaroni Monster (in the picture above, it seems to dominate the universe and the vain worldly existence).

On the left and on the right are the co-hosts of the program, Dear-Friend-Of-Mine-Dymarsky and Olga "Olechka" Zhuravleva, once again shocked of the maestro's thoughts and wondering if Roscomnadzor will close them for this, above of the halo of the saint there is the silvery patriarch Kirill with the priests, rainbow ponies, gay-fighter deputy Milonov, as well as absolute straights, super agents Petrov and Boshirov, who were impatient to go to Salisbury to look at each other's spiers with chemical weapons of mass destruction in their backpacks.

Damn, that was fun.

Christians, homophobes and people who love Putin with all of their hearts, - don't take it personally.
