All Reviews (40)

Nick Koriagin

The Haunting of the Hill House Review (2018, Netflix)

A ten-part, non-linear, dramatic film that tells in two times the story of a dysfunctional family struggling with grief and seeking the strength to defeat their demons. On the one hand, this is the story of a young married couple of an architect wife and a realtor husband who purchased an old estate in order to renovate it and sell it to new owners. They move there with their five children in the early 1990s…

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Nick Koriagin

Altered Carbon (Season One Review, Netflix, 2018)

On the Earth of the XXV century, there are still the poor and the rich, only the rich, thanks to downloading and copying of consciousness, can live almost forever, and the poor - well, that's how lucky you are. Criminals are deprived of bodies and stored on "hard drives", investigators interrogate suspects in virtual reality, and the minds of deceased people are resurrected to find out the circumstances of death (if they are not neo-Catholics…

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Nick Koriagin

Bohemian Rhapsody Review (2018)

The script simplified for the sake of drama without strong halftones, with fantastic attention to detail of the seventies and eighties. This is the story of youth, the rise, fall and redemption of their mistakes, the biography of the rock singer Freddie Mercury, whose star went out as quickly as it lit up, as well as the story of the rest of the Queen members. A long, drawn-out and at the same time driving, semi-documentary…

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Nick Koriagin

Life is Strange Review (2015)

Max is a quiet and thoughtful girl who does not part with her old Polaroid. Five years ago, she left her small town Arcadia Bay to move to Seattle, but is now returning to attend the elite Blackwell Art School, a famous photographer's class. One day she witnesses a skirmish between a local major and some rude punk, during which a psycho pulls out a pistol and accidentally kills a girl. Max tries to help…

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Nick Koriagin

Prophet from Nazareth ("Jesus. Historical investigation" by Yulia Latynina Review)

Since the time of the Cro-Magnons, fleeing from the cold by the fires of caves decorated with drawings, we have been trying to explain the world around us, to make it understandable and logical from the point of view of our knowledge and experience. We get to know the surrounding reality with the help of stories that we tell ourselves. That's why we came up with them. They worshiped them, feared them, made sacrifices to…

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Nick Koriagin

The Martian Review (2015)

Near future. A group of astronauts serving the future Martian colony gets caught in a dust storm and ends the expedition, losing one of the crew members. However, thanks to a happy accident, he turns out to be alive - and now Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is the only person on the whole planet where you can't breathe without a spacesuit (the air is too thin and there is little oxygen in it), there is…

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Nick Koriagin

Toothy Movie (Venom Review, 2018)

Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy from Mad Max) is a freelance journalist, an American mix of entheveshnik and Navalny, who is engaged in high-profile independent investigations and reporting. Once he comes across information that the famous young visionary millionaire Drake, the Indian Elon Musk, is engaged not only in launching space ships into space, but also in strange experiments on living people. After all, one of his space shuttles just returned from the orbit of one…

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Nick Koriagin

It's All About Quantums (Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp Review, 2018)

(Spoilers for the films "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Ant-Man and the Wasp". If you have not seen these films, but are going to watch - do not read the text further) Warning: Spoilers Ahead! A couple of days ago, we went with Lera to the late screening of Ant-Man and the Wasp, a sequel to the many years of the Avengers movie series, which began with an experimental film about a minor comic book hero…

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Nick Koriagin

Justice League Review (2017)

Warning: Spoilers Ahead! At the beginning of the XXI century, the history of the Earth changed forever, when the first person from another world appeared on it, thanks to his unearthly forces and noble aspirations, who became a symbol of hope for peace and justice. Growing up in a family of simple farmers, Clark Kent early discovered the superhuman principle in himself and devoted his life to saving people and the safety of the planet,…

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Nick Koriagin

Fall Of The Legend (Star Wars VII. The Last Jedi Review, 2017)

Warning: Spoilers Ahead! The galactic empire fell thirty years ago. The sole dictatorship of Emperor Sidious, the last and most powerful adept of the Sith teachings, ended with the destruction of the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor. But the victory of the Uprising did not change much. Despite the attempt of the legendary Luke Skywalker to revive the order of the Jedi Knights destroyed by the Empire, the First Order movement appeared…

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