Art (43)

Nick Koriagin

"My Little Pony" (3D graphics)

The main characters of the animated series, which gained unexpected popularity in the early 2010s, including among adults. To reproduce the scene at the end of the cutscene and at the same time add a little "plushness", I had to create six characters with a skeleton, basic facial expressions, wool and "hair", and for a full rendering of this scene (4667 x 3500 pixels) on a not very powerful computer took 92 hours. 3ds Max…

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Nick Koriagin

Captain Kirk And Mr. Spock (Star Trek)

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before! Ah, glorious intro Pen on paper, coloring on the computer.

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Nick Koriagin

Video Games Icons

Runner Faith ("Mirror's Edge", 2008), extreme archaeologist Lara Croft ("Tomb Raider", 2013), naive Elizabeth ("Bioshock Infinite", 2013), brave Captain Shepard ("Mass Effect", 2007-2012) and faithful, smart Alix Vance ("Half Life 2" and "Half Life 3", 2004-2007, ...). Pen on paper. [foogallery id="2807"] P.S. I know that Half Life 3 will most likely never come out. But still - hope dies last.

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Nick Koriagin

Thirty Years Later (Star Wars)

A portrait of old Luke Skywalker from the last scene of Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens. The plot of the film was kept a closely guarded secret during filming, and many fans were waiting for the hero of the three previous stories to appear on the screen - but when the new heroine, Ray, finally found Luke on a desert planet and handed him his lightsaber - he only looked menacingly at She…

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